Listing Information and Profile


Profile for Securities of PLC


Instrument Category Securities of PLC
Instrument Type Warrants
Issuance of free detachable warrants in Pegasus Heights Berhad ("Pegasus") ("Warrants") pursuant to the renounceable rights issue of up to 5,990,975,598 ordinary shares in Pegasus ("Pegasus Shares") ("Rights Shares") together with up to 3,993,983,732 Warrants at an issue price of RM0.01 per Rights Share on the basis of 3 Rights Shares and 2 Warrants for every 1 existing Pegasus Share held by the entitled shareholders at 5.00 p.m. on 24 May 2019
Listing Date 26 Jun 2019
Issue Date 21 Jun 2019
Issue/ Ask Price Not Applicable
Issue Size Indicator Unit
Issue Size in Unit 3,597,983,635
Maturity Mandatory
Maturity Date 20 Jun 2022
Revised Maturity Date
Name of Guarantor Not Applicable
Name of Trustee Not Applicable
Coupon/Profit/Interest/Payment Rate Not Applicable
Coupon/Profit/Interest/Payment Frequency Not Applicable
Redemption Not Applicable
Exercise/Conversion Period 3.00   Year(s)
Revised Exercise/Conversion Period Not Applicable
Exercise/Strike/Conversion Price Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)   0.0100
Revised Exercise/Strike/Conversion Price Not Applicable
Exercise/Conversion Ratio 1:1
Revised Exercise/Conversion Ratio Not Applicable
Mode of satisfaction of Exercise/ Conversion price Cash
Settlement Type/ Convertible into Physical (Shares)

Remarks :
Each Warrant entitles the Warrant holder to subscribe for 1 new Pegasus Share at any time during the exercise period as indicated above ("Exercise Period") at the exercise price of RM0.01, subject to adjustments in accordance with the provisions of the deed poll dated 7 May 2019. Any Warrant which is not exercised during the Exercise Period will thereafter lapse and cease to be valid for any purpose.

This announcement is dated 25 June 2019.

Announcement Info

Stock Name PHB-WB
Date Announced 25 Jun 2019
Category Listing Information and Profile
Reference Number LIP-24062019-00007

Related Announcements for PHB-WB
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