All announcements for “SEDANIA”
Date Category Title Ref
29/04/2016 Change in Principal Officer Change in Principal Officer C04-22042016-00002
29/04/2016 Change in Principal Officer Change in Principal Officer C04-22042016-00001
18/04/2016 Document Submission Annual Report DCS-18042016-00001
15/04/2016 General Meeting GENERAL MEETINGS: Notice of Meeting GMA-13042016-00003
01/04/2016 Document Submission Annual Audited Accounts DCS-24032016-00001
29/02/2016 Financial Results Quarterly rpt on consolidated results for the financial period ended 31 Dec 2015 FRA-19022016-00006
02/02/2016 Change in Substantial Shareholders Interest Pursuant to Form 29B Changes in Sub. S-hldr's Int. (29B) CS2-29012016-00152
16/12/2015 Entitlement(Notice of Book Closure) First Interim Dividend ENT-15122015-00001
10/12/2015 Change in Substantial Shareholders Interest Pursuant to Form 29B Changes in Sub. S-hldr's Int. (29B) CS2-10122015-00004
30/11/2015 Change in Substantial Shareholders Interest Pursuant to Form 29B Changes in Sub. S-hldr's Int. (29B) CS2-26112015-00024