All Kinds Of Foodstuff Including But Not Limited To Rice And Grains Products Companies in Malaysia

Malaysia is a country with a rich and diverse food culture. There are many different types of foodstuffs available in Malaysia, ranging from rice and grains to seafood and fruits.

Rice is the staple food in Malaysia, and there are many different types of rice available. Jasmine rice, basmati rice, and glutinous rice are just some of the varieties that are commonly consumed. Grains such as wheat, corn, and oats are also popular in Malaysia.

Seafood is another popular type of food in Malaysia. Fish, crabs, prawns, and squid are commonly consumed. Malaysia is also home to many different types of fruits, such as durians, mangosteens, and rambutans.

There are many companies in Malaysia that produce foodstuffs. Some of the more well-known brands include Beras Tani, Raja Rice, and Toh Thye San.