Building Developer Companies in Malaysia

The Malaysian government has been actively encouraging the development of local building developer companies in order to promote the growth of the construction industry. This is evident in the various initiatives and programmes that have been put in place, such as the establishment of the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) and the introduction of the Construction Industry Transformation Programme (CITP).

As a result of these initiatives, there has been a significant increase in the number of registered building developer companies in Malaysia. According to the CIDB, the number of registered companies has increased from 2,636 in 2015 to 3,936 in 2018. This is a positive sign for the construction industry, as it indicates that there is a growing demand for construction services in the country.

The Malaysian government has also been providing financial incentives to encourage the development of local building developer companies. For example, the government has allocated RM1 billion (US$250 million) under the CITP to help these companies upgrade their capabilities and improve their competitiveness.

With the various initiatives and programmes in place, it is expected that the construction industry in Malaysia will continue to grow in the coming years. This will provide more opportunities for building developer companies to thrive and contribute to the economic development of the country