Cafe & Bistro Companies in Malaysia

Cafe and bistro companies in Malaysia are required to have a valid business license in order to operate. There are many different types of cafe and bistro businesses, each with their own unique offerings. However, all cafe and bistro businesses must adhere to the same general regulations set forth by the Malaysian government.

Cafe and bistro businesses are required to obtain a business license from the Malaysian government. The application process for a business license is relatively simple and can be completed online. Once the application is approved, the cafe or bistro will be issued a business license number which must be prominently displayed at the business location.

Cafe and bistro businesses are regulated by the Malaysian Ministry of Health. All food and beverage establishments must follow the food safety and hygiene regulations set forth by the ministry. These regulations include requirements for food handling, storage, and preparation.

Cafe and bistro businesses are also required to obtain a license from the Malaysian Tourism Board. This license allows the business to operate as a tourism-related business. The application process for a tourism board license is similar to the process for a business license.

Cafe and bistro businesses are subject to the same general business taxes as any