Computer Business Companies in Malaysia

The Malaysian government has been actively promoting the development of the country's computer business sector. A number of initiatives have been launched to attract foreign investment and to encourage local companies to venture into the global market. The government is also working on improving the infrastructure and regulatory environment to make Malaysia an attractive investment destination for computer businesses.

The computer business sector in Malaysia has been growing steadily in recent years. The country is now home to a number of multinational companies as well as a vibrant startup scene. A number of Malaysian companies have been successful in making the transition from traditional businesses to become leading players in the global market.

The computer business sector is an important contributor to the Malaysian economy. It is estimated that the sector contributed RM46.4 billion (US$11.6 billion) to the country's GDP in 2016, and is expected to grow at a rate of 7.4% per year over the next five years. The computer business sector is also one of the largest employers in Malaysia, with an estimated workforce of over two million people.

The government is committed to supporting the continued growth of the computer business sector in Malaysia. A number of initiatives have been launched to attract foreign investment and to encourage local companies to venture into the global market. The government