Contractors And Housing Developers Companies in Malaysia

In Malaysia, contractors and housing developers companies play an important role in the economy. These companies are responsible for the construction of new homes and commercial buildings, as well as the renovation and repair of existing structures.

Contractors and housing developers companies provide employment for a large number of people, and their work contributes significantly to the country's GDP. In recent years, the Malaysian government has introduced a number of policies and initiatives to encourage the growth of these companies.

One of the most important policies is the 'Build-then-Sell' (BTS) scheme, which allows developers to construct homes and sell them before obtaining planning permission. This has helped to increase the supply of new homes, and has made purchasing a property more affordable for many Malaysians.

The government has also introduced a number of tax incentives for contractors and housing developers companies. These include a reduced rate of corporate tax, and exemptions from stamp duty and real property gains tax. These measures have helped to make Malaysia an attractive destination for investment in the construction sector.

In the coming years, it is expected that the construction industry will continue to play a major role in the Malaysian economy. With the government's support, and the continued demand for new homes and commercial buildings, contractors