Cultivation Of Oil Palm Plantation Companies in Malaysia

Oil palm cultivation in Malaysia is a major industry and contributes significantly to the economy of the country. The oil palm is a native of Africa and was introduced to Malaysia by the British during the colonial era. It was initially grown as a ornamental plant but later commercial cultivation began in the early 20th century.

Today, oil palm cultivation is an important agricultural activity in Malaysia and the country is one of the world’s leading producers and exporters of palm oil. There are more than 2,000 oil palm plantation companies in Malaysia, which collectively operate more than 5 million hectares of land.

The climate and soil conditions in Malaysia are ideal for oil palm cultivation and the crop has a high yield potential. The oil palm tree produces a fruit which contains a high percentage of oil. The oil is extracted from the fruit and used in a variety of products including cooking oil, cosmetics and biofuel.

The oil palm industry has been criticized in recent years for its environmental impact. However, the industry is working to improve its sustainability and reduce its impact on the environment.