Export And Import Of Chocolate And Chocolate Products Companies in Malaysia

Chocolate and chocolate products are big business in Malaysia. Chocolate exports totaled $1.3 billion in 2018, while chocolate imports were $1.1 billion. Malaysia is one of the top 10 chocolate-consuming countries in the world, with each person eating an average of 11 pounds of chocolate per year.

Malaysian chocolate companies have been quick to capitalize on the growing global demand for chocolate. Leading chocolate companies in Malaysia include Cadbury, Nestle, and Hershey. These companies have all established manufacturing facilities in Malaysia, which has helped to boost the country's chocolate production.

Malaysia is also home to a number of smaller chocolate companies that are quickly gaining in popularity. These companies include Chocolate Concierge, a luxury chocolate company that specializes in hand-crafted chocolates, and Jitterbug, a company that makes chocolate-covered coffee beans.

As the demand for chocolate continues to grow, it is likely that Malaysia will continue to be a major player in the global chocolate industry.