Export And Import Of Effigies Companies in Malaysia

An effigy is a representation of a person in the form of a sculpture, statue, or other three-dimensional figure. In Malaysia, effigies are commonly used as decorations during festivals and celebrations.

There are many companies that specialize in the export and import of effigies. These companies work with artisans and sculptors to create custom effigies for their clients. The process of creating an effigy can be quite involved, and it is often a collaborative effort between the artist and the company.

The finished effigies are usually shipped to the client's country of residence, where they will be used for whatever purpose the client has in mind. In some cases, the effigies are used as part of a religious or spiritual ritual. In other cases, they may be displayed in a public place as a form of protest or political statement.

Whatever the purpose, effigies play an important role in the cultural life of Malaysia.