Export And Import Of Marine Fishing Companies in Malaysia

The export and import of marine fishing companies in Malaysia are regulated by the Malaysian Fisheries Act 1985 and the Malaysian Fisheries Regulations 1999. Under these laws, all marine fishing companies must be registered with the Malaysian Fisheries Department and must obtain a licence to operate.

The main types of marine fishing companies in Malaysia are trawlers, longliners, purse seiners and gillnetters. Trawlers fish using a net that is towed behind the vessel, while longliners fish using a line with baited hooks that is let out behind the vessel. Purse seiners fish using a net that surrounds the fish and is then drawn in, while gillnetters fish using a net that is suspended in the water and the fish are caught as they swim through it.

All marine fishing companies must follow the rules and regulations set out by the Malaysian Fisheries Department in order to operate legally. These rules and regulations include minimum mesh sizes for nets, maximum catch limits, and closed seasons for certain species. Marine fishing companies that violate the rules and regulations can be fined or have their licences revoked.