Export And Import Of Shrimp In Freshwater Companies in Malaysia

The shrimp farming industry in Malaysia is a relatively new industry which has seen significant growth in recent years. The industry is export-oriented and most of the shrimp produced is exported to markets in Europe, the United States and Japan.

The main species of shrimp farmed in Malaysia is the giant tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon). Malaysia is one of the world’s leading producers of this species of shrimp.

The farming of shrimp in Malaysia is mainly carried out in coastal areas and mangrove forests. Shrimp farming is a relatively intensive form of aquaculture and can have negative impacts on the environment if not well managed.

The Malaysian government has put in place a number of regulations to try to ensure that shrimp farming is carried out in an environmentally sustainable way. For example, shrimp farms are required to have an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) carried out before they can be approved.

Shrimp farming in Malaysia has been criticized by some environmental groups for its potential impacts on the environment and on the livelihoods of local communities. However, the industry is an important source of income for many people in coastal areas and is likely to continue to grow in the future.