Export And Import Of Video Game Consoles And Non-customized Software Companies in Malaysia

The Malaysian government has been encouraging the growth of the country’s video game industry, and as a result, there are a number of companies that export and import video game consoles and non-customized software. Some of the more well-known companies include Sony Computer Entertainment Malaysia, Microsoft Malaysia, and Nintendo Malaysia.

These companies export and import a variety of video game consoles and non-customized software, including popular titles such as the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. In addition to consoles and software, they also export and import accessories and peripherals.

The Malaysian government offers a number of incentives for companies that export and import video game consoles and non-customized software. These incentives include tax breaks, duty-free imports, and preferential treatment in government procurement.

The Malaysian video game industry has been growing rapidly in recent years, and the export and import of video game consoles and non-customized software is a significant contributor to this growth. The government’s support for the industry is helping to ensure that Malaysia remains a key player in the global video game market.