Farming/agriculture Companies in Malaysia

Malaysia is a country located in Southeast Asia. The country is divided into two regions, Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia. Peninsular Malaysia is located on the Malay Peninsula, while East Malaysia is located on the island of Borneo.

The climate in Malaysia is tropical, which is ideal for growing a variety of crops. The country has a land area of 329,758 square kilometers, of which about 60% is suitable for farming.

Malaysia is a major producer of palm oil, rubber, and cocoa. The country is also a leading exporter of tropical hardwoods. Other crops grown in Malaysia include rice, coconuts, bananas, pineapples, and pepper.

Farming companies in Malaysia are involved in the production of a variety of crops. These companies typically have large tracts of land that are used for farming. The companies employ a workforce of farmers who are responsible for planting, harvesting, and processing the crops.

Many of the farming companies in Malaysia are members of the Malaysian Agricultural Producers Association (MAPA). This organization represents the interests of the country's farmers and promotes the development of the agricultural sector.