Fish (fresh Frozen And Salted) Wholesaler Companies in Malaysia

Malaysia is a country with a vast coastline, making it ideal for seafood production. The country is home to a number of fish wholesalers who supply fresh, frozen and salt-cured fish to both local and international markets.

The majority of Malaysia's fish wholesalers are based in the coastal town of Kuala Terengganu. This town is situated on the east coast of the country and is the gateway to the South China Sea. Kuala Terengganu is also the capital of the Terengganu state, which is one of the 13 states that make up Malaysia.

The town is home to a number of large fish markets, as well as a number of seafood processing plants. These businesses export their products all over the world, with the United States, Japan and Europe being the main markets.

A number of the fish wholesalers in Kuala Terengganu are family-run businesses that have been in operation for generations. These businesses have built up a reputation for supplying high-quality seafood products.

If you are looking for a reliable fish wholesaler in Malaysia, then Kuala Terengganu is the place to start your search.