General Merchants General Contractors Companies in Malaysia

There are many different types of general contractors in Malaysia that provide a wide range of services. Some of the most common services offered by general contractors include construction, renovation, and repairs. General contractors can also offer other services such as landscape design and maintenance, electrical work, and plumbing.

General contractors are usually hired by companies or individuals who need their services for a specific project. For example, if a company is planning to build a new office building, they will hire a general contractor to oversee the construction process. General contractors typically have a team of workers that they supervise in order to complete the project on time and within budget.

Once the project is completed, the general contractor will usually provide a warranty on their work. This warranty can be for a certain period of time or for the life of the project. If there are any problems with the work that is done, the general contractor is responsible for fixing the problem at no additional cost to the client.

General contractors in Malaysia are regulated by the Malaysian Contractors Association. This organization sets standards for the industry and provides a forum for contractors to share information and best practices.