Growing Of Rubber Trees (smallholdings) Companies in Malaysia

The Malaysian rubber industry is an important contributor to the country’s economy, with smallholdings accounting for about 60% of total production. The sector employs over 600,000 people, most of whom are smallholders.

The industry has been growing steadily in recent years, with production increasing from 1.62 million tonnes in 2009 to 1.85 million tonnes in 2013. This growth is largely due to higher demand from China, which is the largest market for Malaysian rubber.

The Malaysian government is supportive of the industry and has implemented a number of policies to help smallholders increase their productivity and incomes. These include training programmes, financial assistance and subsidies for rubber tree planting.

The future looks bright for the Malaysian rubber industry, with continued growth expected in both production and demand. This will benefit smallholders, who will continue to play a vital role in the sector.