Horticulture Companies in Malaysia

Horticulture companies in Malaysia are responsible for the cultivation and sale of plants and flowers. They play an important role in the country's economy, as they provide employment for thousands of people and contribute significantly to the export of agricultural products.

The horticulture industry in Malaysia is well-developed, with a large number of companies operating in the sector. These companies are involved in the cultivation of a wide variety of plants and flowers, and they also provide services such as landscaping, pest control, and plant nursery.

The horticulture companies in Malaysia are able to compete in the global market due to the country's favourable climate and soil conditions. In addition, the government provides a number of incentives and subsidies to the industry, which has helped it to grow and develop.

Some of the leading horticulture companies in Malaysia include Nursery World, Landscape World, and Plantation World. These companies have a wide network of outlets across the country, and they also export their products to other countries in Asia and the Middle East.