Investment Holding Co Companies in Malaysia

An investment holding company is a company that holds shares of other companies for the purpose of investment. The shares are usually held for a long-term investment horizon.

The investment holding company structure is popular in Malaysia. This is because it provides a number of advantages, including:

-The ability to hold shares in multiple companies. This diversifies the risk and can provide a steadier return on investment.

-The holding company can be used as a vehicle for investment in other countries.

-The holding company can be used to manage the family wealth.

-The holding company can be used to minimise tax liability.

The investment holding company structure has a number of disadvantages, including:

-The holding company may be liable for the debts of the companies it holds shares in.

-The structure can be complex and expensive to set up and maintain.

-The holding company may be subject to more stringent regulation than other types of company.