Livestock And Poultry Companies in Malaysia

Livestock and poultry companies in Malaysia are responsible for the production of meat, eggs, and other animal products. The country's climate is tropical, which is conducive to the raising of livestock and poultry. Malaysia is home to a number of large-scale commercial operations, as well as smaller family-run businesses.

The Malaysian government is supportive of the livestock and poultry industry, and has put in place a number of policies and programs to encourage its development. One such policy is the imposition of a minimum level of local content in all livestock and poultry products imported into the country. This has helped to boost the demand for Malaysian-produced products, and has resulted in the expansion of the industry.

The livestock and poultry industry in Malaysia employs a significant number of people, and makes a significant contribution to the country's economy. The industry is expected to continue to grow in the coming years, as demand for meat and other animal products continues to rise.