Management And General Trading Companies in Malaysia

A management and general trading company is a type of business entity in Malaysia. These companies are registered with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) and are regulated by the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (MDTCA).

Management and general trading companies are allowed to carry out any type of business activity, except for those that are restricted or prohibited by law. However, these companies must comply with the requirements and guidelines set by the MDTCA.

The main activities of management and general trading companies are:

1. To carry out business activities in any sector, except for those that are restricted or prohibited by law;

2. To manage and operate businesses;

3. To provide consultancy services;

4. To engage in general trading;

5. To act as an agent or distributor for any product or service;

6. To provide marketing and advertising services;

7. To engage in import and export activities; and

8. To provide support services to businesses.