Not Operating Companies in Malaysia

There are a number of reasons why companies may choose not to operate in Malaysia. The country has a number of restrictions and regulations in place that can make doing business there difficult. Additionally, the cost of doing business in Malaysia can be high, and the market can be challenging to break into.

One of the biggest challenges for companies operating in Malaysia is the country's regulatory environment. Companies must comply with a number of different regulations, including those related to labor, taxation, and environmental protection. Additionally, the Malaysian government has a history of interfering in the affairs of businesses, which can create uncertainty and risk.

Another challenge for companies operating in Malaysia is the cost of doing business. The country has high taxes, and the cost of labor and raw materials can be high. Additionally, infrastructure costs can be significant.

Finally, the Malaysian market can be difficult to break into. The country has a number of large, well-established companies that dominate many industries. This can make it difficult for new companies to gain a foothold.

Overall, there are a number of challenges that companies face when operating in Malaysia. These challenges can make doing business there difficult and expensive. As a result, many companies choose to avoid doing business in Malaysia altogether.