Obligation And Securities Companies in Malaysia

Obligation and securities companies in Malaysia are required to comply with the regulations and guidelines set forth by the Securities Commission of Malaysia (SC). These companies must obtain a license from the SC in order to operate, and must maintain a minimum paid-up capital of RM5 million.

Obligation and securities companies are involved in a variety of activities, including underwriting, dealing in securities, and providing investment advisory and other financial services. They play an important role in the Malaysian capital market by providing liquidity and facilitating price discovery.

The SC has put in place a comprehensive regulatory framework to ensure that obligation and securities companies operate in a fair, transparent, and orderly manner. This includes requirements for the disclosure of material information, the maintenance of adequate capital and risk management systems, and the observance of good corporate governance practices.

The SC regularly reviews the regulations governing obligation and securities companies to ensure that they remain relevant and effective. It also monitors the activities of these companies to ensure that they comply with the law and the SC’s guidelines.

The SC takes action against companies that breach the law or the SC’s regulations and guidelines. This may include revoking their licenses, imposing financial penalties, or taking other disciplinary action.