Prawn Companies in Malaysia

Prawn companies in Malaysia are responsible for the country's prawn farming industry. These companies breed and raise prawns for both the local and international market. Malaysia is one of the world's leading suppliers of prawns, and the prawn farming industry is an important part of the country's economy.

Prawn companies in Malaysia must adhere to strict regulations set by the government in order to operate. These regulations are in place to ensure that prawns are raised in a safe and healthy environment. Prawn farms must be located in areas that are free from pollution and have a reliable source of fresh water. Prawns must be fed a healthy diet and given regular veterinary care.

Prawn companies in Malaysia work hard to provide a high-quality product. They use the latest technology and husbandry practices to ensure that their prawns are healthy and delicious. Prawns from Malaysia are enjoyed by people all over the world and are an important part of the country's export industry.