Purchase Or Otherwise Acquire Lands Companies in Malaysia

The Malaysian government has a policy of encouraging foreign investment in the country, and as such there are a number of options available for foreigners looking to purchase or otherwise acquire land or companies in Malaysia.

One option is to purchase land directly from the Malaysian government, which offers a number of advantages including a streamlined process and the ability to obtain financing from Malaysian banks. Another option is to purchase land through a Malaysian company, which can be either a private company or a public listed company.

There are a number of restrictions on foreign ownership of land in Malaysia, but these are generally not an issue for those looking to purchase land for commercial purposes. The main restriction is that foreigners are not allowed to own more than 50 hectares of land, but this can be circumvented by leasing the land from the Malaysian government.

Those looking to purchase or otherwise acquire companies in Malaysia will find that there are a number of options available. One option is to purchase an existing company, which can be done through a variety of methods including a share sale, an asset sale, or a merger. Another option is to set up a new company in Malaysia, which can be done through a joint venture with a local partner or by setting up a wholly owned subsidiary.

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