To Acquire Lands And Properties For Development Companies in Malaysia

The Land Acquisition Act 1960 (LAA) is the main legislation governing the acquisition of private land for public purposes in Malaysia. The LAA provides for the acquisition of land by the government or a statutory authority for any purpose that is deemed to be in the public interest. The LAA also sets out the procedures to be followed for the acquisition of land, as well as the compensation that is to be paid to the landowners.

The LAA is administered by the Land and Mines Department (LMD) of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. The LMD is responsible for the registration of land, as well as the issuance of land titles and leases. The LMD also has the power to compulsorily acquire land for public purposes.

Under the LAA, the government or a statutory authority may acquire land for any purpose that is deemed to be in the public interest. This includes the construction of roads, railways, airports, schools, hospitals, and other public infrastructure. The LAA also allows for the acquisition of land for the purpose of housing development.

The LAA provides for the payment of just compensation to the landowners for the acquisition of their land. The amount of compensation is to be determined by the court, and is to be