To Carry On Business In Trading Companies in Malaysia

A business entity in Malaysia is required to have a valid business registration in order to operate legally. The Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) is the sole authority for company registration in Malaysia.

A trading company is a business that buys and sells products on behalf of its clients. In Malaysia, trading companies are regulated by the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM).

To carry on business as a trading company in Malaysia, the company must first be registered with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM). The company must also have a valid business registration certificate.

A trading company must also have a valid licence from the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) in order to operate legally. The company must also comply with the requirements of the Malaysian Trade Descriptions Act.

A trading company in Malaysia is required to maintain a separate bank account for its business operations. The company must also submit audited financial statements to the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) on a yearly basis.