Trading And Man Power Supply Companies in Malaysia

The Malaysian government has liberalized the country's trade and investment regime in recent years, and the nation is now a significant regional trading hub. The government has also been proactive in promoting Malaysia as a regional center for Islamic finance. The country's well-developed infrastructure, relatively low costs, and educated workforce have helped to attract foreign investment.

The manufacturing sector is the largest contributor to GDP, followed by services and construction. Electronics and electrical products, petroleum and liquefied natural gas (LNG), palm oil, chemicals, textiles, and jade and other minerals are among Malaysia's major exports. The United States, China, Singapore, Japan, and India are among Malaysia's top trading partners.

Malaysia has a young and rapidly growing workforce. The labor force totaled 14.4 million in 2014, and about 60% were employed in the services sector, 20% in manufacturing, and 10% in agriculture. The unemployment rate was 3.1% in 2014.

The government has implemented a number of initiatives to attract foreign investment and promote the development of key industries. The Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) is a special economic zone designed to attract investment in the information technology and multimedia industries. The Biotechnology Corridor is