Trading In Computer Companies in Malaysia

The Malaysian government has been encouraging the development of the country's computer industry, and as a result, there are many computer companies in Malaysia. However, due to the global economic downturn, many of these companies are now facing difficulties.

The Malaysian government has introduced a number of initiatives to help the computer companies in Malaysia. One of these is the Technology Upgrading Fund, which provides financial assistance to companies to upgrade their technology. The government has also created a number of special economic zones, which provide tax and other incentives to companies that locate there.

Despite these measures, many computer companies in Malaysia are still struggling. In order to survive, many of them have started to focus on niche markets, such as the Muslim market. Others have started to focus on providing services rather than manufacturing products.

The future of the computer industry in Malaysia is uncertain. However, the government's support is likely to continue, and the industry should eventually start to recover.