Trading Of Cosmetics Companies in Malaysia

The Malaysian cosmetics industry is worth an estimated $2.6 billion, making it one of the most important markets in Southeast Asia. The industry is forecast to grow at a compound annual rate of 7.4% between 2015 and 2020.

The vast majority of cosmetics companies in Malaysia are foreign-owned, with many of the leading brands coming from Europe and the United States. The most popular brands include Nivea, L'Oréal, and Olay.

The Malaysian government imposes few restrictions on the import or sale of cosmetics, and the industry is largely unregulated. This has resulted in a thriving black market for counterfeit and unlicensed products.

The government has recently proposed a set of regulations that would require all cosmetics companies to be licensed and to comply with good manufacturing practices. If implemented, these regulations would provide a much needed boost to the industry's legitimacy.