Trading Of Gold And Jewellery Companies in Malaysia

Gold and jewellery companies in Malaysia are regulated by the Malaysian Gold and Jewellery Association (MGJA). The MGJA was established in 1989 and is a non-profit organisation that represents the interests of gold and jewellery companies in Malaysia. The MGJA is responsible for setting industry standards, promoting fair trade practices and protecting the rights of gold and jewellery companies in Malaysia.

The MGJA is recognised by the Malaysian government and is a member of the World Gold Council. The MGJA works closely with the Malaysian government to ensure that the gold and jewellery industry in Malaysia is regulated and operates in a fair and transparent manner.

The MGJA has a code of ethics that all member companies must adhere to. The code of ethics includes provisions on fair trading practices, conflict of interest, anti-money laundering and anti-corruption.

The MGJA is committed to promoting the gold and jewellery industry in Malaysia and to ensuring that it remains a vibrant and thriving sector of the Malaysian economy.