Trading Of Rubber Products Companies in Malaysia

The Malaysian rubber industry is one of the country’s oldest and most important industries. It is also one of the country’s most important export industries, accounting for around 10 percent of total exports. The industry is based on the tapping of latex from rubber trees, which is then used to produce a wide range of rubber products.

The Malaysian rubber industry is dominated by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which account for around 90 percent of total production. The industry is highly labor-intensive, with around two-thirds of the workforce employed in the rubber plantations and the remainder in the manufacturing sector.

The vast majority of rubber produced in Malaysia is exported, with the main markets being the United States, Europe, Japan, and China. The industry has been hit hard by the global economic downturn, with exports falling by around 30 percent in 2009. However, the industry is expected to recover in the coming years as demand for rubber products in Asia continues to grow.