Trust And Nominees Companies in Malaysia

A trust is an arrangement in which property (including real, tangible and intangible assets) is managed by one or more trustees for the benefit of another person, known as the beneficiary. A nominee company is a company that is appointed to hold shares or other assets in trust for the benefit of its shareholders or other beneficiaries.

The use of trusts and nominee companies is common in Malaysia, particularly in the context of estate planning and asset protection. Trusts can be used to manage assets for the benefit of family members, to ensure that assets are distributed in accordance with the wishes of the settlor (the person who creates the trust), and to minimize the exposure of assets to creditors. Nominee companies can be used to hold assets such as shares, property and other investments for the benefit of shareholders or other beneficiaries.

Trusts and nominee companies are regulated by the Malaysian Trust Companies Act 1965 and the Malaysian Companies Act 1965, respectively.