Wholesalers And Distributors Companies in Malaysia

Wholesalers and distributors are companies that purchase products in large quantities from manufacturers and sell them to retailers. In Malaysia, there are many companies that operate as wholesalers and distributors, providing a vital link in the supply chain of products. These companies play an important role in ensuring that products are available to consumers in a timely and efficient manner.

Many wholesalers and distributors are members of trade associations, such as the Malaysian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI). These associations provide a forum for companies to network and collaborate on issues of common interest. They also offer training and development opportunities for members.

The Malaysian government has put in place a number of policies and initiatives to support the development of the wholesale and distribution sector. These include the establishment of the Malaysian International Trade and Industry Academy (MITI), which offers courses and programs to help companies upgrade their skills and knowledge. The government has also set up the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), which provides assistance to companies looking to invest in the country.