General Meeting


GENERAL MEETINGS: Outcome of Meeting


Type of Meeting General
Indicator Outcome of Meeting
Date of Meeting 21 Apr 2021
Time 10:00 AM

Broadcast Venue at Board Room, 22nd Floor, Plaza OSK,

Jalan Ampang,

50450 Kuala Lumpur,

Wilayah Persekutuan,


Outcome of Meeting
The Board of Directors of OSK Holdings Berhad ("the Company") wishes to announce that all resolutions tabled at the 31st Annual General Meeting of the Company held today were duly approved by the shareholders. All of the resolutions were voted by poll and the results of the poll were validated by Commercial Quest Sdn. Bhd., the independent scrutineer appointed by the Company. 

The details of the poll results are set out below. 

This announcement is dated 21 April 2021.

Voting Results

1. Ordinary Resolution 1

To sanction the declaration of a single-tier final dividend of 3.0 sen per share in respect of the financial year ended 31 December 2020.
Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 435 32
No. of Shares 1,370,336,898 58,212
% of Voted Shares 99.9958 0.0042
Result Accepted

2. Ordinary Resolution 2

To approve the payment of Directors' fees of RM280,000.00 to the Non-Executive Directors for the financial year ended 31 December 2020.
Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 387 73
No. of Shares 1,356,882,608 363,300
% of Voted Shares 99.9732 0.0268
Result Accepted

3. Ordinary Resolution 3

To approve the payment of Directors' fees to the Non-Executive Directors for the financial year ending 31 December 2021 until the next Annual General Meeting of the Company.
Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 386 75
No. of Shares 1,356,967,117 278,941
% of Voted Shares 99.9794 0.0206
Result Accepted

4. Ordinary Resolution 4

To approve the payment of Directors' benefits up to an amount of RM120,000.00 to the Non-Executive Directors of the Company for the period from 22 April 2021 until the next Annual General Meeting of the Company.
Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 375 83
No. of Shares 1,347,962,928 9,281,580
% of Voted Shares 99.3161 0.6839
Result Accepted

5. Ordinary Resolution 5

To re-elect Mr. Ong Ju Xing who retires by rotation in accordance with Clause 99 of the Company's Constitution and being eligible, offers himself for re-election.
Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 409 57
No. of Shares 1,360,717,608 9,666,849
% of Voted Shares 99.2946 0.7054
Result Accepted

6. Ordinary Resolution 6

To re-elect Dato Saiful Bahri bin Zainuddin who retires by rotation in accordance with Clause 99 of the Company's Constitution and being eligible, offers himself for re-election.
Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 405 59
No. of Shares 1,360,576,891 1,027,891
% of Voted Shares 99.9245 0.0755
Result Accepted

7. Ordinary Resolution 7

To re-elect Mr. Leong Keng Yuen who retires by rotation in accordance with Clause 99 of the Company's Constitution and being eligible, offers himself for re-election.
Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 405 57
No. of Shares 1,358,061,142 3,075,032
% of Voted Shares 99.7741 0.2259
Result Accepted

8. Ordinary Resolution 8

To re-appoint Messrs. BDO PLT as Auditors of the Company until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Company and to authorise the Board of Directors to fix their remuneration.
Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 414 48
No. of Shares 1,370,143,700 224,453
% of Voted Shares 99.9836 0.0164
Result Accepted

9. Ordinary Resolution 9

Authority to Issue Shares pursuant to the Companies Act 2016.
Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 390 75
No. of Shares 1,360,612,101 9,772,356
% of Voted Shares 99.2869 0.7131
Result Accepted

10. Ordinary Resolution 10

Proposed Renewal of Existing Shareholders' Mandate for Recurrent Related Party Transactions of a Revenue or Trading Nature.
Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 390 56
No. of Shares 193,496,854 166,901
% of Voted Shares 99.9138 0.0862
Result Accepted

11. Ordinary Resolution 11

Proposed Renewal of Authority for the Company to Purchase its Own Shares.
Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 414 50
No. of Shares 1,370,224,517 159,510
% of Voted Shares 99.9884 0.0116
Result Accepted

Announcement Info

Stock Name OSK
Date Announced 21 Apr 2021
Category General Meeting
Reference Number GMA-13042021-00001
Corporate Action ID MY210413MEET0001