All announcements for “RGB”
Date Category Title Ref
17/04/2014 General Announcement OTHERS RGB INTERNATIONAL BHD (“RGB” or "the Company") • Proposed Shareholders’ Mandate for Recurrent Related Party Transactions of A Revenue or Trading Nature CC-140417-42590
17/04/2014 General Announcement OTHERS Proposed disposal of 32% equity interest in Chateau De Bavet Club Co., Ltd., a subsidiary in Kingdom of Cambodia, by Macrocept Sdn. Bhd., a wholly owned subsidiary of RGB International Bhd. (“Proposed Disposal”) CC-140417-DF8A4
09/04/2014 General Announcement OTHERS Application for de-registration in respect of: • Diamond House (Nipo) Co., Ltd., a 51% subsidiary of Macrocept Sdn. Bhd. (“MCSB”) • Movieland Entertainment Co., Ltd., a 55% subsidiary of MCSB [collectively known as the "Proposed De-registration"] CC-140409-9845C
01/04/2014 Change in Audit Committee Change in Audit Committee CC-140401-0EE7C
01/04/2014 Change in Audit Committee Change in Audit Committee CC-140317-109BE
31/03/2014 Change in Audit Committee Change in Audit Committee CC-140317-49627
21/01/2014 Additional Listing Announcement (ALA) Additional Listing Announcement CC-140120-19E9D
02/01/2014 Additional Listing Announcement (ALA) Additional Listing Announcement CC-131230-7DDE0
20/12/2013 Changes in Director's Interest Pursuant to Section 135 of the Companies Act. 1965 Changes in Director's Interest (S135) CC-131217-13762
19/12/2013 Additional Listing Announcement (ALA) Additional Listing Announcement CC-131217-0D2E4