Entitlement(Notice of Book Closure)




EX-date 26 Jul 2018
Entitlement date 30 Jul 2018
Entitlement time 05:00 PM
Entitlement subject Adjustment
Entitlement description Adjustments to the exercise price and number of outstanding Warrants 2015/ 2020 in Vivocom Intl Holdings Berhad ("Vivocom") ("Warrant(s) D") constituted by the deed poll dated 1 June 2015 ("Deed Poll D") pursuant to the renounceable rights issue of up to 3,010,706,070 new ordinary shares in Vivocom ("Vivocom Share(s)") ("Rights Share(s)") on the basis of 2 Rights Shares for every 3 existing Vivocom Shares held together with up to 1,505,353,035 free detachable warrants in Vivocom ("Warrant(s) E") on the basis of 1 Warrant E for every 2 Rights Shares subscribed for as at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, 30 July 2018 at an issue price of RM0.025 per Rights Share ("Rights Issue with Warrants") ("Adjustments to Warrants D")
Period of interest payment   to  
Financial Year End 31 Dec 2018
Share transfer book & register of members will be   to   closed from (both dates inclusive) for the purpose of determining the entitlement
Registrar or Service Provider name, address, telephone no INSURBAN CORPORATE SERVICES SDN BHD 149 Jalan Aminuddin Baki Taman Tun Dr Ismail 60000Kuala Lumpur Tel:0377295529 Fax:0377285948
Payment date
a.Securities transferred into the Depositor's Securities Account before 4:00 pm in respect of transfers 30 Jul 2018
b.Securities deposited into the Depositor's Securities Account before 12:30 pm in respect of securities exempted from mandatory deposit
c. Securities bought on the Exchange on a cum entitlement basis according to the Rules of the Exchange.
Number of new shares/securities issued (units) (If applicable)
Entitlement indicator Ratio
Ratio 27 : 100
Rights Issue/Offer Price
Par Value (if applicable)

Remarks :
The notices of book closure for the Rights Issue with Warrants and the adjustments to Warrants B and Warrants C have been announced separately vide the Company's announcements dated 16 July 2018.

The additional Warrants D consequential to the Rights Issue with Warrants will be allotted and issued in accordance with the provisions of the Deed Poll D to the entitled Warrant D holders who have not exercised their outstanding Warrants C and whose names appear on the Record of Depositors of outstanding Warrants D as at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, 30 July 2018.

The additional Warrants D will be listed and quoted simultaneously with the Rights Shares, Warrants E, additional Warrants B and additional Warrants C. The notice to Warrant D holders setting out the details of the Adjustments to Warrants D and the notice of allotment of the additional Warrants D will be despatched in due course.

Warrant D holders who wish to be entitled to the Rights Issue with Warrants should exercise their rights to subscribe for new Vivocom Shares by lodging their duly completed exercise forms together with the subscription monies with the Share Registrar, Insurban Corporate Services Sdn Bhd, on or before 5.00 p.m. on Wednesday, 18 July 2018. This is to enable the new Vivocom Shares to be issued arising from such exercise to be allotted to the respective Warrant D holders such that their names will appear on the Record of Depositors of Vivocom Shares as at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, 30 July 2018.

This announcement is dated 16 July 2018.

Announcement Info

Date Announced 16 Jul 2018
Category Entitlement(Notice of Book Closure)
Reference Number ENT-16072018-00009

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23/08/2016 Adjustment