General Announcement for PLC


OTHERS COMINTEL CORPORATION BHD ("Comcorp" or "the Company") - Renewable Energy Power Purchase Agreement ("REPPA") with Tenaga Nasional Berhad ("TNB")


Type Announcement
Subject OTHERS
COMINTEL CORPORATION BHD ("Comcorp" or "the Company")
 - Renewable Energy Power Purchase Agreement ("REPPA") with Tenaga Nasional Berhad ("TNB")

Further to our announcements dated 12 June 2015 and 17 June 2015 in relation to the REPPA with TNB, the Board of Directors of Comcorp wishes to announce that Sustainable Energy Development Authority Malaysia ("SEDA Malaysia") have given their approval for the extension of the Feed-In Tariff Commencement Date from 31 May 2015 to 31 December 2015 in their letter dated 14 July 2015 which was received on 21 July 2015.

Comintel Green Technologies Sdn Bhd ("CGT") sought for an extension from SEDA Malaysia as it was not able to meet the scheduled Feed-In Tariff Commencement Date fixed on 31 May 2015 as the program set up and gasifier system optimization has taken much longer period than expected when the Biogen PLC and Software team did the programming, testing and commissioning the gasifier system.The gasifier system could operate but was not operating at its optimisation capacity to produce syngas in a stable condition to supply to the syngas generator to produce electricity. Thus, the Biogen Software team have scheduled their trip to come back to the plant by end of June 2015 to continue their works. In the meantime, our technical personnel are doing their best to operate and optimise the gastifier system.

Therefore, barring any unforseen circumstances, this green energy venture by CGT which is initially expected to contribute positively to the performance for financial year ending 31 January 2016 will only start contributing in financial year ending 31 January 2017.


This announcement is dated 22 July 2015.

Announcement Info

Stock Name COMCORP
Date Announced 22 Jul 2015
Category General Announcement for PLC
Reference Number GA1-21072015-00026