General Announcement for PLC


OTHERS COMINTEL CORPORATION BHD ("Comcorp" or "the Company") Delay in submission of the unaudited quarterly reports on consolidated results of the fourth quarter ended 31 January 2019


Type Announcement
Subject OTHERS
COMINTEL CORPORATION BHD ("Comcorp" or "the Company")
Delay in submission of the unaudited quarterly reports on consolidated results of the fourth quarter ended 31 January 2019

Pursuant to Paragraph 9.28 (3) of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) Main Market Listing Requirements (“MMLR”), the Board of Directors of Comcorp wishes to announce that  the Company is unable to submit its Fourth Quarter Financial Results by 29 March 2019 (“Timeframe”) to Bursa Securities as required under Paragraph 9.22 (1) of the MMLR.


Comcorp also wishes to inform that it is aware of the provisions contained in Paragraph 9.28(5) of MMLR that if Comcorp fails to issue the outstanding Fourth Quarter Financial Results within five (5) market days after the expiry of the Timeframe (the last day of five (5) market days period is referred to as “Suspension Deadline”, in addition to any enforcement action that Bursa Securities may take, Bursa Securities shall suspend trading in the securities of Comcorp. The suspension shall be effected on the next market day after the Suspension Deadline, which is 8 April 2019 and will be uplifted on the market day following the issuance of the outstanding Fourth Quarter Financial Results unless otherwise determined by Bursa Securities.


Comcorp will try to resolve the issues and finalized the outstanding Fourth Quarter Financial Results soonest possible.




This announcement is dated 29 March 2019.






Announcement Info

Stock Name COMCORP
Date Announced 29 Mar 2019
Category General Announcement for PLC
Reference Number GA1-29032019-00090